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Private Corner announces the closing of Private Corner Secondary Fund 2022 with record fundraising of €130 million

Paris, 18 January 2024 - Private Corner, the French digital private equity management company dedicated to private banking specialists, has reached a major milestone with the closing of its private equity fund exposed to Committed Advisors' (CA) flagship secondary strategy, raising €130 million, more than three times the target size envisaged at launch in 2022. This is a record closing for Private Corner and a remarkable performance, particularly in a nascent market and against a backdrop of a global slowdown in fundraising.

A record private equity closing

Private Corner has announced a record private equity closing: its Private Corner Secondary Fund 2022 feeder fund has tripled its initial fundraising target to €130 million. This private equity fund is exposed to Committed Advisors' flagship secondary strategy.

As a manager of small and mid cap secondary private equity, Committed Advisors “focuses on mature assets in a phase of significant value creation”. It is targeting more than 50 secondary transactions, mainly between €10 and €100 million. Its geographic exposure is highly diversified, covering Europe and North America, as well as up to 30% of the Asia-Pacific region.

In addition, the strategy offers diversification in terms of managers, strategies (mainly expansion capital and buyout capital), vintages, sectors and sizes of companies financed (small and mid-cap).

Launched in April 2022, the SLP Private Corner Secondary Fund 2022 offers exposure to the secondary strategy of the fifth vintage of Committed Advisors, a leading global small and mid cap secondary private equity manager with over €6 billion of assets under management.

A diversified approach

As in previous vintages, Committed Advisors focuses on mature assets in a phase of significant value creation, and is targeting more than 50 secondary transactions, mainly between €10m and €100m in size. Its geographical exposure is highly diversified, covering Europe and North America (US/Canada), as well as up to 30% of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the strategy offers diversification in terms of managers, strategies (mainly expansion capital and buyout capital), vintages, sectors and sizes of companies financed (small and mid caps). In all, private equity investors will be exposed to several hundred companies.

A differentiating positioning

The significant imbalance between supply and demand on the Small and MidCap secondary market continues to generate attractive opportunities with a wider negotiating margin in favour of buyers, enabling the Committed Advisors team to achieve discounts of around 25% on average on the first transactions already completed. This differentiated positioning, focused on mature medium-sized assets without resorting to leverage, which generates additional risks, is particularly relevant in an environment of high interest rates and economic and geopolitical uncertainties. The strategy of the ‘Private Corner Secondary Fund 2022’, which focuses on this segment, underlines Private Corner's commitment to identifying managers positioned on high value-added strategies and associated with a ‘balanced’ risk/return profile in relation to the asset class. Private Corner Secondary Fund 2022 has been widely acclaimed by the partners of the native digital asset management company, who see this strategy as a genuine diversification opportunity for their wealth management clients.

"Our private equity fund exposed to the Committed Advisors secondary strategy has been a huge success with our partners since its launch in April 2022. However, at that time, the strategy did not yet have the reputation it has enjoyed in recent months. We were pioneers in offering our distributors access to secondary private equity, thereby meeting the yield and diversification needs of their clients, who are often first-time buyers of unlisted securities. We would also like to thank the excellent team at Committed Advisors for their involvement and support. We've been able to introduce our distribution network to this strategy, which was previously little-known,’ says Estelle Dolla, Chairman and co-founder of Private Corner.

Press contacts: Sophie Lhuillier sophie@shakespr.fr +33 6 31 73 03 42 Géraldine Pollet gp@private-corner.eu +33 6 68 21 01 54

About Private Corner

Private Corner, an AMF-approved portfolio management company, provides wealth and asset management specialists with a secure digital investment platform 100% dedicated to unlisted assets. From as little as €100,000, Private Corner provides access to a selection of top-tier investment funds, generally reserved for institutional investors or large families. For more information about our Private Equity firm in Paris.

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